And peace.

voir la version française

Chapter 1

– Are we there yet ?
– Oh no.
– And now ?
– You’re really a…
– Just kiddiiing !!!
– You… In the mean time… do you remember what I told you ?
– About the cousins ?
– Yes, about the cousins.
– Of course I remember. How could I not ? You lectured me for like five days about it.
– So…
– … do I really have to ?
– Yes you do. Was I not clear enough ? Do you want me to…
– No. No. OK. Fine. You win… But… they’re so… pfff…
– They’re… the cousins.
– I guess we agree on that !
– Come on. I won’t so bad.
– Nah… It’ll be worse. But I can’t stand…
– Just… please… just for one day… you promised. I’m serious.
– Sure, I promised. I promised. Can’t wait not to be there…

« And peace. », John Arnyeck, Lost Editions, 504p.